
cht 2023-11-29 6次阅读

1、宣布的英文单词怎么写2、宣布的英文短语3、宣布的英语单词是什么?宣布的英文单词怎么写问题一:宣布 宣告 英语怎么说? 宣布 announce declare 宣告 declare proclaim pronounce 问题二:宣布英语 宣布用英语怎么说 宣布的英语翻译 你好! 宣布 announced 英[?'na?nst] 美[?'na?nst] v. 宣布( announce的过去式和过去分词 ); 通知; 广播; 声称; [例句]Janis and Kurt have announced their engagement 贾尼斯和库尔特已宣布订婚。

问题三:中国的英文单词怎么写? china China,现为中华和瓷器的英文译名。


瓷器最初的称呼是Chinaware,直译:中华器物、中华货品[1] ,后省略ware,称呼瓷器为china。


所以China最初的意思就是:中华 问题四:宣布 宣告 英语怎么说 declare 英[d??kle? r] 美[d??kler] vt. 申报; 宣布; 声明,声称; [法] 供述; vi. 宣称; 声明,发表宣言; [例句]Speaking outside Ten Downing Street, she declared that she would fight on 她在英国首相官邸外发表讲话时宣称她将继续斗争下去。

[其他] 第三人称单数:declares 现在分词:declaring 过去式:declared过去分词:declared 问题五:1到10的英文单词怎么写 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 场5 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 问题六:1到20的英语单词怎么写? 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty宣布的英文短语 宣布,指向听众宣读某个决定、资讯,古代指在一定位置张贴告示,将一定的资讯公之于众。


关于宣布的相关短语 宣布 chalk it up 正式宣布 announce officially 宣布日 Date of declaration ; Announcement Date 据宣布 It is announced that 宣布无效 overrule ; set aside ; 宣布散会 Closing the Meeting ; declare the meeting over 宣布和平 declare peace 关于宣布的相关短句 declare the vote closed; 宣布表决结束 declare independence; proclaim independence; 宣布独立 declare a meeting open; call a meeting to order; 宣布会议开始 declare martial law; proclaim martial law; 宣布 *** declare *** . guilty; 宣布某人有罪 declare the ballot closed; 宣布投票结束 declare sth. invalid; declare sth. null and void; 宣布无效 announce amnesty; 宣布赦免 denounce; 宣布中止 legitimate; 宣布为合法 illegitimate; 宣布为非法 make an announcement 宣布一件事 关于宣布的词语辨析 advertise, broadcast, announce, proclaim, publish, pronounce, declare这组词都有宣布,公开的意思,其区别是: advertise 指通过文字和影象资料等的反复宣传而引起公众的注意,有时隐含令人不快或言过其实的意味。

broadcast 专指利用广播或电视传播讯息或发表见解。

announce 多指首次宣布大家感兴趣或可满足大家好奇心的事情。

proclaim 指官方宣布重大事件或施政方针,语体比announce正式。

publish 专指通过报刊或其它媒介向公众公布事情。

pronounce 词义与announce, declare接近,但较多用于指法律判决方面的宣布。

declare 侧重正式就某事清楚明白地宣布。

关于宣布的相关例句 1. The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent. 爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。

2. He stood emotionless as he heard the judge pass sentence. 他面无表情地站在那里,听法官宣布判决。


3. The White House quickly announced that the policy is under review. 白宫很快宣布该项政策正在稽核中。

4. Today he is formally announcing his candidacy for President. 今天他将正式宣布参加总统竞选。

5. He vociferously opposed the state of emergency imposed by the government. 他激烈反对 *** 强行宣布进入紧急状态。

6. With characteristic impetuosity, he announced he was leaving school. 一贯性急冲动的他又宣布要退学了。

7. She was planning to announce her engagement to Peter. 她正计划宣布她和彼得订婚一事。

8. Certain areas have been declared off limits to servicemen. 已经宣布一些地区军人不得出入。

9. President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum. 卡翁达总统兑现了他的承诺,宣布了全民公决的日期。

10. She is expected soon to hand down a ruling. 估计她很快会宣布裁决结果。

11. The Liberal leader has announced his party's withdrawal from the ruling coalition. 自由党领袖已宣布该党退出执政联盟。

12. Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity. 倒闭和失业的讯息又在一次次地反复宣布著。

13. He announced big tax increases for the next two financial years. 他宣布在接下来的两个财年里将大幅提高税收。

14. Tony announced it was time to see about lunch. 托尼宣布该做午饭了。

15. She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy. 她急不可待想宣布这个讯息,但却发过誓要守口如瓶。

关于宣布的双语例句 当他宣布竞赛的优胜者时,大家都静静地倾听。

Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the petition. 老师宣布她将惩罚那个坏学生。


The teacher blazoned she would punish the bad student. 我决不背离我已经宣布的在这个问题上的政策。

I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter. 我特此宣布她已经当选。

I hereby declare her elected. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。

The pany declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 我现在宣布会议开幕。

I now declare this meeting open. 你们已经宣布了你们的意愿,现在将宣布你们的誓言。

You have already declared your intention and will now declare your vows. 之后,布兰妮又很快宣布姻缘无效。

That union were quickly annulled. 但这两个计划的具体细节都还没有宣布。

But details of both plans have yet to be announced. 宣布的英语单词是什么?译文:announce英[ə'naʊns]释义:vt.宣布;述说;预示;播报vi.宣布参加竞选;当播音员[第三人称单数announces;现在分词:announcing;过去式:announced;过去分词:announced]短语:announce results公布成绩;宣布结果扩展资料:词语辨析:announce,declare,proclaim,pronounce,advertise这些动词均含宣布,公开之意。






标签: 宣布  英文  怎么回事  怎么 

