
cht 2022-02-23 7次阅读

以下是小编收集的恐惧症,看一看您中了几枪? Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing. 清洗恐惧症 Acarophobia- Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching. 螨虫恐惧症 Acerophobia- Fear of sourness. 酸味恐惧症 Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. 黑暗恐惧症 Acousticophobia- Fear of noise. 音响恐惧症 Acrophobia- Fear of heights. 好吧,恐高…… Aerophobia- Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances. 高空恐怖,也叫气流恐惧症 Aeroacrophobia- Fear of open high places. 航空恐惧症 Aeronausiphobia- Fear of vomiting secondary to airsickness. 晕机呕吐恐惧症 Agateophobia- Fear of insanity. 精神错乱恐惧症 Agliophobia- Fear of pain. 畏痛症 Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. 空旷恐惧症 Agraphobia- Fear of sexual abuse. 性虐待恐惧症 Agrizoophobia- Fear of wild animals. 野生动物恐惧症 Agyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing the street. 街道/街道横越恐惧症 Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects. 针头/尖刺物恐惧症 Ailurophobia- Fear of cats. 恐猫症 Albuminurophobia- Fear of kidney disease. 肾脏病恐惧症 Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens. 恐鸡症 Algophobia- Fear of pain. 疼痛恐怖症 Alliumphobia- Fear of garlic. 恐蒜症 Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions. 选择恐惧症 Altophobia- Fear of heights. 恐高症 Amathophobia- Fear of dust. 灰尘恐惧症 Amaxophobia- Fear of riding in a car. 乘车恐惧症 Ambulophobia- Fear of walking. 步行恐惧症 Amnesiphobia- Fear of amnesia. 记忆丧失恐惧症 Amychophobia- Fear of scratches or being scratched. 搔刮/刮痕恐惧症 Anablephobia- Fear of looking up. 仰视恐惧症 Ancraophobia- Fear of wind. (Anemophobia) 恐风症 Androphobia- Fear of men. 男性嫌恶症 Anemophobia- Fear of air drafts or wind.(Ancraophobia) 风媒/空气流动恐惧症 Anginophobia- Fear of angina, choking or narrowness. 窒息恐惧症 Anglophobia- Fear of England or English culture, etc. 英国/英国文化恐惧症 Angrophobia - Fear of anger or of becoming angry. 愤怒恐惧症 Ankylophobia- Fear of immobility of a joint. 关节/卡榫静止恐惧症 Anthrophobia or Anthophobia- Fear of flowers. 恐花症 Anthropophobia- Fear of people or society. 人类恐怖症 Antlophobia- Fear of floods. 洪水恐惧症 Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single. 单身恐惧症 Apeirophobia- Fear of infinity. 无限恐惧症 Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched. (Haphephobia) 被接触恐惧症 Apiphobia- Fear of bees. 恐蜂症 Apotemnophobia- Fear of persons with amputations. 截肢者恐惧症 Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. 嘴角沾到花生酱恐惧症 Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders. 蜘蛛恐惧症 Arithmophobia- Fear of numbers. 数字恐惧症 Arrhenphobia- Fear of men. 男性恐惧症 Arsonphobia- Fear of fire. 恐火症 Asthenophobia- Fear of fainting or weakness. 疲劳/虚弱恐惧症 Astraphobia or Astrapophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning.(Ceraunophobia, Keraunophobia) 雷电恐惧症 Astrophobia- Fear of stars or celestial space. 天文恐惧症 Asymmetriphobia- Fear of asymmetrical things. 不均匀恐惧症 Ataxiophobia- Fear of ataxia. (muscular incoordination) 运动失调恐惧症 Ataxophobia- Fear of disorder or untidiness. 混乱恐惧症 Atelophobia- Fear of imperfection. 不完美恐惧症 Atephobia- Fear of ruin or ruins. 遗迹/残址恐惧症,或破产恐惧症/毁灭恐惧症 Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting. 被遗忘恐惧症 Atomosophobia- Fear of atomic explosions. 原子爆炸恐惧症 Atychiphobia- Fear of failure. 失败恐惧症 Aulophobia- Fear of flutes. 长笛恐惧症 Aurophobia- Fear of gold. 恐金症 Auroraphobia- Fear of Northern lights. 极光恐惧症 Autodysomophobia- Fear of one that has a vile odor. 臭人恐惧症 Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsly represents a sentient being. 假人/蜡像恐惧症 Automysophobia- Fear of being dirty. 自身不洁恐惧症 Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself. 独处恐惧症 Aviophobia or Aviatophobia- Fear of flying. 飞行恐惧症

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