
cht 2023-07-23 10次阅读


一·主语。主语是由名词、代词,或相当于名词代词的成分(ing短语,to do 短语和名词性从句)充当。


Li Ming is a teacher .


2.代词作主语:They(We,You ) are students.

-ing短语作主语:Getting up early is a good habit.

to do短语作主语:

To learn English well isn't easy.

5.名词性从句做主语:1)What you said made him angry.

2).Why he was late isn't known.

3).When he got up isn't important.

二·谓语:动词作谓语。动词分为及物动词(vt )和不及物 (vi )。及物动词带宾语,不及物动词不能带宾语。

He beat me black and blue.

They came here early.

beat是及物动词带的宾语是me,come 是不及物动词不能带宾语。


1)·He looked at me angrily.

2)·We are listening to music.

三·宾语:和主语一样,宾语是由名词、代词或相当于名词、代词的词一一(不定式to do )、-ing短语( -ing)或名词性从句充当。


1).We asked Wang Fei to help us.

2).We called him Zhang Hua.

3).He decided to go to school.

4).I enjoined learning English.

5).I don't know what he said.

四·定语:定语通常是由形容词( ajc.),介词短语、不定式(to do )、ing短语或定语从句充当。汉语的定语一般都是放在被修饰词的前面,而英语的定语如果是单个形容词作定语放在被修饰词之前,如果是短语和定语从句作定语通常放在被修饰词的后面。

1).I have an important message to tell you.

2).The book on the desk is yours.

3)·The boy to be beaten is my brother

4).The girl lying on the ground is Jenny.

3).The book that's on the desk is yours.

注:单个形容词作something everything, anything, nothing 的定语,则要放在这些词的后面作后置定语。

I have something important to tell you.对比:I have an important message to tell you.

五·状语:状语是由付词,介词短语,to do( 不定式短语),-ing短语或状语从句充当。状语是用来修饰谓语动词或整个句子的,通常在句子中的位置比较灵活,目的是使句子平衡。这也是初学者比较头疼的事,因为英语语序和汉语有所不同。

1).He works hard. (付词)


2).He works in the city. (介词短语)他<在城市>上班。

3).He came here to learn English.

To learn English well, he came here.(不定式作定语放在句首或句末都可以)

4).Finishing his homework, he went out to play. -ing短语作时间装状语。

5).After (When )he finished his homework he went out to play. (时间状语从句作整个句子的状语)。也可以把时间状语放在句末。He went out to play after (when) he finished his homework.

注:一些表频率的付词often usually, hardly, sometimes 等作状语,其位置要放在be动词或情态动词(can,may,must, need) 之后实意动词之前。

1).He often go to school early.

2).He can( hardly )know ABC.


1).We call him LiMing.

2)His father beat him black and blue(. 宾补)

He was beaten black and blue by his father.(被动语态里是主补)。

七·表语:和汉语不同,英语里多了个表语成份。系动词(be, …怎么样:look,sound, feel smell,taste )等后面的成份在英语里叫作表语。

1)She is a teacher.

1).She looks beautiful.

2).The song sounds sweet.

3).The food tastes great.



标签: 帮助  小孩  学习  英语  句子  侄女  要求 

